iOS Releases
The latest software can always be downloaded from iTunes. Please search for OMN within iTunes on your iPhone or iPad.
You can see which version you are running by opening up Settings on the main menu, and selecting About.
1.30.125 Released May 30th 2022
In-app purchase of subscritions added.
1.30.124 Released 16th December 2021
Small stability release.
1.30.123 Released 1st Oct 2021
In-App Purchase added.
Settings->Email Support menu item added.
1.30.113 Released 28th May 2019
- Share grid reference added. Long press on the map, and on the popup menu you now have 'Share Grid Reference'.
1.30.106 Released 9th May 2019
- Improvements to map download.
1.30.99 Released 22nd January 2019
Mini-compass has been damped.
Changes to Map Management screen to make map download easier.
Further stability improvements.
1.30.97 Released 17th December 2018
Mini compass added to the map screen.
Major performance and stability improvements.
1.30.21 Released 24th June 2018
Share GPX files from OMN to other apps.
Share GPX files from other apps to OMN.
1.20 Released 22nd May 2018
Area Calculations added.
Improvements to startup and subscription renewal.
Sync button added on Settings->Subscriptions.
Enter password button added to Settings->My Account.
Settings Reset logic change to ask if you wish to sync local data first.
Various other small bug fixes.
1.19 Released 18th April 2018
Lock Screen added.
Orientation can now be fixed in Settings->Main Map Screen.
Settings->Waypoint Information added to control what is displayed in GPX Editor.
Add Waypoint button added to Find screens.
Performance increases for drawing routes with lots of text.
Additional options in the Style Managers for Line Styles and Waypoints Styles.
Subscription buttons added, so that if you scroll to where you don't have mapping, but Anquet have it available, it is easier to purchase.
Various other smaller bug fixes.
1.15 Released 28 February 2018
Performance and stability improvements.
New Statistics Bar.
Orientation can now be locked.
Improvements to GPS battery use.
Improvements to map download.
1.07 Released 22 October 2017
New information panel in GPX Editor (GE) - displays summary statistics such as overall distance, altitude gained and estimated time.
Improvements to map download and verify in My Maps window.
Various smaller stability fixes.